Food Security Study

Our first initiative, Covid-19 Pandemic response, focused on filling the gaps to ease suffering during the pandemic. One of the lessons learned was that that the demand for food was high and continued to increase even as the pandemic eased. In response, Catalyst hired local residents Cathy Capriola and Laurie Decker, both skilled research consultants, in April of 2022 to perform an in depth analysis of food-related trends, needs and resources in the Valley.

The consultants brought local food assistance organizations together multiple times to share information, as well as conducted a survey with 314 households in Spanish and English to learn more about their needs and experiences. The study, conducted in partnership with a food task force comprised of all the major local providers, has kicked off our second major initiative: Food Security. We received findings and reccomendations in early 2023 and are hard at work putting together a strategic plan.

Below is our press release, and executive summary of the report, the full report, and a video of Cathy and Laurie presenting the report. If you are interested in learning more or would like to host a presentation on their findings, please contact Barbara Wells at