Join Us

“The creation of Catalyst is the biggest, best most efficient idea that we have seen happen for the direct benefit of nonprofits in Sonoma in my 30 years here. It is working exactly where it is needed.”

—Simon Blattner, Steering Committee Advisor

Catalyzing Collective Impact

Together, we are solving urgent, emergent, and chronic problems no single nonprofit or donor can solve alone.

Your donation to our pooled fund is a direct investment into Sonoma Valley, this place we love and call home. Together, we are solving urgent, emergent, and chronic problems no single nonprofit or donor can solve alone.

In 2025, we are raising $500,000 to fund our two major grant making programs, Food Security (to eliminate hunger in the Valley), and Reimagine Grants (funding nonprofit innovation, research, and collaboration), while seeding some new, proactive initiatives. 

Giving to Catalyst should not replace the generous donations our local nonprofits need to survive and thrive. We invite donors to dig a little deeper to provide “the extra” funding needed to address the Valley’s growing challenges in innovative ways.

Our Development Team, led by Lynne Lancaster, is always happy to answer your questions. To request more information or a meeting please email Barbara Wells at

Donate By Check

Please make your check out to “Community Foundation Sonoma County.” In the Memo line, write “Sonoma Valley Catalyst Fund”

Mail to

Sonoma Valley Catalyst Fund
c/o Community Foundation Sonoma County
120 Stony Point Rd. Suite 220
Santa Rosa, CA 95401

For Donor Advised Funds

If you have a fund with Community Foundation Sonoma County, please contact your advisor.

Otherwise, please make a grant to Community Foundation Sonoma County with the purpose of “Sonoma Valley Catalyst”. Tax ID is 68-0003212.

For Wire Transfer or Securities Donation

Please contact: Barbara Wells, for instructions.

Legacy Circle

CLICK HERE to learn more about Planned Giving and our Legacy Circle.

Sonoma Valley Catalyst Fund is a fund of Community Foundation Sonoma County, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, tax ID 68-0003212.

Thank you to our donors!

Susan Gorin

Heather Grady

Art and Margaret Grandy

David and Kathleen Grieve

Thomas Haeuser and Antoinette Kuhry

Donna Halow and Paul Luca

Pam and George Hamel, Jr.

Hanford Fund

Hanford Family Fund

Stevi Hanson

Dub and Lyn Hay

Steven and Troy Hightower

Ted and Wendy Hoffman, Vera C. Hendry Foundation

Barbara Hughes and Gregory DiPaolo

Keith and Cherie Hughes

Kathy Huston and Jack Sunday

Michael and Gina Irvine

Maite Iturri

Ann Iverson

Mary Clark Janis

Mara and Philip Kahn

Meg Kellogg and Richard Scheffler

Sharon Knight and John Hornbaker

Lawrence and Virginia Krieger

Michael Kubzansky

Lynne Lancaster

Carol and Stephen Latimer

John and Sandra Leland

Sandy and Geoff Leonard

Susan Levine and Jim Lauer

Jane Levikow

Larry Lieberman

Nancy and Tony Lilly

Susan MacMillan

Penney Magrane and Dr. Joan Howley

Marymor Family Fund

Jeffrey Mass

Kevin and Rosemary McNeely

Mac and Leslie McQuown

David and Grace Meeks

Michael and Elizabeth Minigan

Barbara Morrison

Michael and Melissa Mulcahy

Mirja Muncy

Nancy and Bill Murphy

William B. Murray

Roger and Monica Nelson

Joseph and Beth Aaron

Nancy Collins and Francesco Adinolfi

Carolyn Baisa Alioto

Lorraine Ashton

Jill Blair and Fay Twersky

Simon and Kimberly Blattner

Nicole Boyer and Toby Paterson

Peabody Bradford and David Safir

Suzanne Brangham

Ellen Brantley and Ron Vitt

Joan and Michael Buckley

Diana Bugg and Jim Bertlesman

Judith Bjorndal

The Donna L Burkhead Foundation

Karen and Leland Bushnell

Joe and Renee Capriola

Suzanne Clark

Clark-Janis Family Foundation

Francine Clayton

Community Foundation Sonoma County

Community Planning Collaborative

Vic and Kit Conforti

Mick and Lindsay Costigan

Dr. Donna Dambach and Chris Argenziano

Patricia de Jong and Sam Keen

Nancy and Stephan Denkin

Harriet Derwingson

Daniel and Wald Jean Star Dinaburg

John and Gail Diserens

Simone Echeguren

Whitney and Jeanette Evans

Aiko-Sophie Ezaki

Gerald and Connie Farr

Ned Forrest and Leslie Whitelaw

Ellen Friedman

Katherine Fulton and Katharine Kunst

David and Cathy Good

Byron and Jeni Nichols

Debbe Noto

Catherine O’Neill

Diana Olding

Gayle Olson and John Boich

Pamella Olson and Don Ryndak

The Omidyar Group

Steve and Judy Page

Tom and JaMel Perkins

Lew and Bev Perlson

Pfotenhauer Wilshusen Family

Ewing Philbin

Dave Pier

Sherry Preiss

Amy and Joshua Rassen

Karen Roche

Lori and Jason Rukes

Angela Ryan and Doug Stewart

Joshua Rymer and Timothy Frazer

Alber Saleh

The Sangiacomo Family

Sonoma Valley Rotary Foundation

Diana Sanson and Ben Compton

Christina Sass and Eric Nonacs

Dorothy Schimke

Judy Scotchmoor and Roland Gangloff

Gary and Amee Scott

Claudia Sims

Daniel and Michelle Skaff

Sonoma Fig Foundation

Elizabeth Stelluto and Howard Dunaier

Ken Stokes and Dana Simpson-Stokes

Stephen Sullivan

Nina Swusdipanee and Peter Mathis

Talbott and Riley Family Fund

The Vadasz Family Foundation

Gera Vaz and Randy Reimer

David Waldron

Judith Walsh

Susan Ware

Ann Weeks and Arleen Curry

Lucy Weiger and Bob Crane

Barbara and Brandon Wells

Marcy Winget and Yutaka Yasui

Emory and Johanna Winship

Philip and Connie Woodward

Jeff and Laura Zimmerman

Legacy Circle

Suzanne Brangham

Harriet Derwingson

Margaret Gokey

Katherine Fulton and Katharine Kunst

Arthur and Margaret Grandy

Lyn and Dub Hay

Lynne Lancaster

Jeanne Montague and Chad Overway

Karen Roche

Joshua Rymer and Timothy Frazer