We are meeting in person, to celebrate Angela joining Catalyst Fund!
The meeting will be at Diana’s home, at 605 6th St East, from 5-7 and dinner will be served. Dub is out of the country on holiday. If you are unable to attend, please let me know, so we can plan the right amount of food.
Attached please find the very full agenda. Also attached here is a revision of Joshua’s white paper on the emerging challenges facing seniors and their families—and thus our community. The beginning and the end have been substantially rewritten. The bulk of the paper is the same as you read before—the content is unchanged. What is different is the ideas at the end—please look at those closely, as we will be considering what action we may want to take to continue this exploration. This is the version of the paper we are proposing to get a bit of design work, and then release publicly.
Diana will be sending relevant grants materials under separate cover.
See you next week. It will be great to be together!
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