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Grants: Reimagine Info Session

The Sonoma Valley Catalyst Fund (Catalyst), a fund of the Community Foundation Sonoma County, is making grant funds available for innovation and the seeding of new ideas that result in significant positive social impact and to help solve key Sonoma Valley community challenges.  

We are holding an informational session on Zoom on Thursday, June 29th at 9 am to introduce the program and answer questions. Please feel free to share this invitation. Zoom link is at the bottom of this email. We hope you can join us. Please note that this is an ongoing, rolling grants program-there is no deadline to apply. 
Reimagine Grants fill a gap in funding for nonprofits that want to innovate and reimagine how we can solve complex local issues. The program compliments other local grant funding by supporting complex, unusual and perhaps risky ideas.  Reimagine grants, along with Catalyst’s first initiative on food security, are focused on helping the community develop new approaches and get unstuck from the way we work now.

Reimagine Grants include all phases of innovation: research, experimentation, pilots and partnership development with a focus on:

  • Efforts that involve critical cooperation and collaboration among key actors who must work together for a solution

  • Efforts that involve leveraging government resources, or utilizing them better; public-private partnerships

  • Ideas for new solutions that need to be tested, piloted and designed further (including building an organization’s capabilities to execute the new solution)

  • Research and convenings to define an emerging or chronic problem and seek solutions that no single organization can address alone.

As innovation is hard to plan for operationally, this is an ongoing grantmaking program and grant proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis. All funds must be used to benefit the residents of Sonoma Valley.

More information is on our website

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 850 9817 0355
Passcode: 817973


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Meeting ID: 850 9817 0355
Passcode: 817973

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June 21

Development Committee Zoom

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